Roses & Weeds
Roses & Weeds
S4E3: Urban Forestry - What is that?
Welcome to Roses & Weeds! A City of Tyler podcast to keep you up to date with current events and news related to our beautiful city.
In this episode, Julie Goodgame and Adriana Rodriguez meet City Arborist and Urban Forester Maddie Burton! Maddie and longtime guest Leanne Robinette explain the City's need for an urban forester, how the recent winter storms and droughts have impacted our canopy and what we are doing to mitigate the loss of so many trees. We also tell the amazing story of how we ended with the tallest Christmas tree in the history of the City of Tyler.
Mentioned in the episode:
Tyler 1st | Tyler, TX (cityoftyler.org)
Urban Forestry | Tyler, TX (cityoftyler.org)
Facebook Livestream of Christmas Tree being installed on the square
Roses & Weeds is recorded at the Downtown Visitors Center and is hosted by the City of Tyler's Communication Department. If you have any questions, comments, or ideas for future show topics, please reach out to us at PublicRelations@TylerTexas.com and be sure to use #rosesandweeds on all your questions to the City of Tyler on social media.
Roses & Weeds is recorded at the Downtown Visitors Center and is hosted by the City of Tyler's Communication Department. If you have any questions, comments, or ideas for future show topics, please reach out to us at PublicRelations@TylerTexas.com and be sure to use #rosesandweeds on all your questions to the City of Tyler on social media.